
Frequently Asked Questions

Is using Égvemaradt.hu really free?
Yes, it is.
What should I do if I do not have a car but I would like to register?
You can register without a license plate number. Just select '-' from the list of country codes and provide your username as a license plate number. No message can be sent to an account without a license plate number, but are no other restrictions apply to it.
How can I receive the messages to my license plate number?
You will receive the messages via email, but we are currently working on push and SMS notifications, too.
May I provide multiple email addresses?
Yes, on your Dashboard, after signing in.
Can the sender of a message see the recipient's email address?
Can the recipient of a message see the sender's email address?
Only if it was provided by the sender.
Can the recipient of a message see the sender's license plate number?
Only if the sender has written a custom message instead of choosing a template.
Where can I find the settings of my account?
On your Dashboard, after signing in.
What data can be stored about me in the system?
  • Your license plate number,
  • your provided email address(es),
  • your preferences given on your Dashboard and
  • your sent and received messages.
We cannot access your password, we store it in an encoded way. Thus, if you forget your password, you need to request a new one, as we cannot tell you the old one.
Are you sending any frequent emails to my email address(es)?
No, we are not sending either newsletters or advertisement to you.
Can I receive advertisement from Égvemaradt.hu to my email address(es)?
You will receive the messages to your license plate number via email. We may put ads at the bottom of these emails, they pay for the service.
Can I send messages only to those license plate numbers which are registered in the system?
Sadly yes.
Can I register with a foreign license plate number?
Yes. Simply select your country code from the list in the blue stripe when registering.
I cannot find my country code in the list.
Not every country is in the list yet. If yours is missing, please send us an email to info@egvemaradt.hu and we will add it.
Can I only choose from the provided templates when sending a message?
Without signing in, yes. If you would like to send custom messages, please register and sign in.
Why may I not write a custom message without signing in?
We introduced this restriction to avoid possible misuse of the system.
Why do you provide message templates only for parked cars?
Because we would like to avoid prompting a texting urge during driving which might divert the driver's attention from the traffic.
Which platforms is Égvemaradt.hu available on?
As it can be run in a browser, you can use any platform. We are currently working on an Android, Windows Phone and iOS application though.
I have an idea, a feature request or a question which is not included in this list!
We are happy to receive any ideas! Please send your thought or questions to info@egvemaradt.hu and we will answer you shortly. In case you are sending a cool feature request we will try to start implementing it as soon as possible!

Terms and Conditions

By using the system you accept the following terms and conditions:

Among the required technical criteria of using Égvemaradt.hu is using an up to date browser and enabling JavaScript. To reach full functionality of the system, accepting cookies must be also enabled.

Although it does not explicitly refer to Égvemaradt.hu, we find it important to emphasize that all road users are obligated to follow the Highway Code under all circumstances. Holding a mobile phone is forbidden, which includes not only making a call but using Égvemaradt.hu as well. To avoid risk of accidents, never use the system while driving!

Statement of data management

The most important guidelines of our data management are briefly:

Using the following link you can download the official statement of data management of Égvemaradt.hu: Égvemaradt.hu statement of data management (PDF, 60 kB)

Managing cookies

The above data are necessary to use the system and to make it more comfortable, so please allow for this site to use cookies in your browser.

Credit Notes

Using Égvemaradt.hu is and will be free. The project is driven solely by our engagement and is backed only by our own pockets.
If you like the system, please support us over PayPal. Every single pound counts!
Your donations will be used to cover the expenses of the server maintenance and the continuous improvement of Égvemaradt.hu.
Thank you!

External resources

While building the site, we have used the following resources:

Hosting provider

Websupport Magyarország Ltd.
1132 Budapest, Victor Hugo Street 18-22.
Trade register no.: 01-09-381419
Script & design by Sian